Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey

Neck Lift in TURKEY

€7,000 - €15,000

Treatment Procedure and TechniqueAdvanced Surgery Techniques
Isolated Superficial Neck Lift7000 Euros
Isolated Deep Neck Lift8000 Euros
Classic Subcutaneous Facelift + Superficial Neck Lift10000 Euros
Endoscopic Superficial Neck Lift (Without an incision under the chin)11000 Euros
Deep Plane Facelift + Superficial Neck Lift13000 Euros
Deep Plane Facelift + Deep Neck Lift15000 Euros
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Important Points in Neck Lift Surgery and Neck Rejuvenation

Neck lift surgery is one of the most crucial steps in a comprehensive facial rejuvenation plan. Without addressing the neck, no facelift surgery can achieve optimal effectiveness and natural results. One of the most common mistakes in facelift surgeries is rejuvenating the face while leaving the neck looking aged, which instantly reveals that the person has had a facelift.

In this article, we will list the important points about neck lift surgery and neck rejuvenation.


  1. Neck Aging is Multidimensional
  2. Neck Aging Patterns Show Individual Differences
  3. Neck Rejuvenation Surgeries are Tailored to the Individual
  4. Neck Problems May Not Be As They Appear
  5. Pay Attention to the Volume/Surface Ratio in the Neck
  6. Neck Lift Surgery is Most Often Combined with Facelift Surgery
  7. Neck Aging is Closely Related to the Jawbone Structure
  8. We Use a Submental Incision to Shape the Deep Neck Structures
  9. Tightening the Surface Without Shaping the Deep Neck Structures Doesn’t Always Yield Good Results
  10. Neck Lift Surgery and Skin Wrinkles
  11. Early Intervention in Post-Operative Complications is Crucial
  12. The Recovery Process and Care After Neck Lift Surgery Can Be Challenging
  13. Smoking is a Hindrance to Neck Lift Surgery
  14. Non-Surgical Interventions for Neck Rejuvenation are Limited

Neck Aging is Multidimensional As the neck ages, significant changes occur in the skin, the platysma muscle just beneath the skin, the subcutaneous fat, the fat beneath the platysma muscle, the midline neck muscles, and the salivary glands. An ideal treatment must address all these layers.

Neck Aging Patterns Show Individual Differences For some individuals, neck aging is mainly due to skin laxity, while for others, platysma muscle laxity is more prominent. Some individuals may show more sagging and enlargement in deeper structures (such as salivary glands, digastric muscles, etc.). The individual skeletal structure significantly impacts neck aging.

Neck Rejuvenation Surgeries are Tailored to the Individual We prefer different neck rejuvenation approaches depending on aging patterns, the anatomy of the face and neck, the position of the jawbone, gender, expectations, risks, and any accompanying surgical procedures.

Neck Problems May Not Be As They Appear The ideal angle between the neck and jawline is approximately 90 degrees. Loss of this neck angle is one of the most common complaints in neck aesthetics. Another aesthetic flaw is the blurring of the aesthetic contours of the neck surface, known as loss of definition. Patients often believe that the loss of neck angle is due to fat accumulation under the neck skin. However, nearly 90% of individuals with loss of neck angle have additional pathologies such as growth, laxity, sagging, atrophy, and attenuation in deep neck structures. Simply removing or melting a little fat from your neck will not give you a more aesthetic neck appearance.

Pay Attention to the Volume/Surface Ratio in the Neck One of the fundamental principles in aesthetic surgery is that if you gradually increase the volume within a compartment (face, abdomen, breast, buttocks, etc.), the body will produce new skin and create a skin covering that suits the increased volume. However, if you reduce the volume within a compartment, the skin surface cannot shrink indefinitely.

Neck Lift Surgery is Most Often Combined with Facelift Surgery The neck and face are a whole. To achieve a more harmonious, natural, and holistic result, treating both areas together is more advantageous. During a facelift, lifting the neck muscle and facial skin upwards automatically corrects the neck contour.

Neck Aging is Closely Related to the Jawbone Structure In individuals with a weak jawbone, signs of neck aging appear much earlier. Conversely, in individuals with a strong jawbone, the neck maintains its youthful contour for much longer.

We Use a Submental Incision to Shape the Deep Neck Structures When we want to shape the central anatomy of the neck, we use an additional 3-4 cm incision under the chin, allowing access to the subcutaneous fat, the platysma muscle, the fat beneath the platysma, the deep neck muscles, the salivary glands, and the hyoid bone.

Tightening the Surface Without Shaping the Deep Neck Structures Doesn’t Always Yield Good Results It is essential to correct deep neck structures to achieve an ideal aesthetic result. Treating the deep neck structures is not a procedure that can be done on every patient, as it requires advanced surgical experience and sensitivity.

Neck Lift Surgery and Skin Wrinkles Neck lift surgery reduces horizontal wrinkles in the skin and helps the skin surface achieve a tighter appearance.

Early Intervention in Post-Operative Complications is Crucial Post-operative complications, though rare, may occur after neck lift surgery. These complications, though seen in every surgical procedure, are particularly significant due to the proximity of vital structures in the neck.

The Recovery Process and Care After Neck Lift Surgery Can Be Challenging Numbness, swelling, and stiffness in the neck are normal after the surgery and gradually return to normal within approximately 3 months.

Smoking is a Hindrance to Neck Lift Surgery Neck lift surgery requires separating the skin from the underlying muscle structures, which alters the direction of blood flow. In healthy individuals, this procedure can be safely performed. However, in patients who smoke, the microcirculation is compromised, making it impossible to perform this level of skin separation.

Non-Surgical Interventions for Neck Rejuvenation are Limited When it comes to neck aesthetics, non-surgical options are almost non-existent.

As in all areas of facial aesthetics, individualized planning is essential in neck aesthetics. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all surgery or treatment strategy in neck aesthetics. A well-performed neck aesthetics surgery gives the face a vibrant appearance. For more detailed information on neck aesthetics and neck lift surgery, you can contact us.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan Bitik

Çankaya, Ankara,


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