Fort Myers, Florida, United States

Facelift in Fort Myers by James L. Newlon, MD, FACS - Facial Plastic Surgery

His and Her Plastic Surgery: A Modern Trend

Couples plastic surgery has gained significant popularity in recent years. Dr. James L. Newlon, a renowned facial plastic surgeon, has observed an increasing trend of couples seeking rejuvenation procedures together. This phenomenon spans various age groups, from retirees to couples in their twenties, all driven by the desire to look as young as they feel.

The Facelift Process

Dr. Newlon offers various facelift options, including:

  • Mini-lift
  • Standard facelift

These procedures are performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The process involves:

  1. Making incisions within the hairline or along the hair margin
  2. Tightening neck muscles
  3. Re-draping and lifting facial skin
  4. Removing excess skin
  5. Employing specific neck procedures for a more youthful contour

Recovery and Results

Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the facelift and individual factors. Most patients experience a quick and relatively painless recovery, resuming daily activities within one to two weeks. Dr. Newlon provides detailed post-operative instructions to ensure optimal results and a swift recovery.

Personalized Consultation

Dr. Newlon conducts a preoperative planning session with each patient to determine the best approach for their facelift procedure. This personalized consultation ensures that the surgery is tailored to meet the individual's needs and desired outcomes.

Contact Dr. James L. Newlon for a free consultation and explore the possibilities of facial rejuvenation.


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