Chesterfield, Missouri, United States

Brow Lift in Chesterfield by John H. Hulsen, III, MD

Brow Lift in St. Louis: Rejuvenate Your Upper Face

Restore Youthfulness with Forehead Rejuvenation

The forehead, eyebrows, and eyes play a crucial role in facial expressions. A smooth, elevated brow with open eyes conveys youthfulness and energy, while a drooping, wrinkled brow can create a tired, sad, or angry appearance. Dr. John H. Hulsen, III employs various surgical and non-surgical techniques to optimally rejuvenate the upper face, resulting in a brighter, happier, and more rested look.

Benefits of Forehead Rejuvenation

  • Smooth wrinkled skin
  • Create aesthetically pleasing eyebrow position
  • Open and brighten the eyes
  • Restore a youthful facial appearance
  • Diminish tired, sad, or angry expressions

Brow Lift Procedure Overview

  • Duration: 1-2 hours
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Stay: Outpatient, same-day surgery
  • Recovery: 7-10 days
  • Side Effects: Temporary swelling, bruising, numbness, and tingling

Brow Lift Techniques

Dr. Hulsen utilizes various techniques to elevate the forehead, including incisions around the hairline or near the eyebrows. Procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia, especially when combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures. A slight overcorrection is often performed to account for future tissue relaxation. Both internal dissolving sutures and external sutures are used for optimal results and minimal scarring.

Preparing for Brow Lift Surgery

Brow lift surgery requires optimization of health, blood pressure, and skin quality. Patients may benefit from BOTOX treatment 2-3 weeks prior to minimize brow motion during recovery. Smoking cessation is essential for at least 2-4 weeks before the procedure. Certain medications and supplements should be avoided to reduce bleeding risk.

Recovery Process

Most patients recover at home after surgery. Dressings are removed 2-3 days post-operation, and gentle hair washing can begin. Patients typically plan for 7-10 days off work to allow for bruising and swelling to improve. Scars will mature and fade over the following year. Temporary numbness and tingling in the treatment area typically resolve over several weeks to months.

John H. Hulsen, III, MD

Chesterfield, Missouri,

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