Great Neck, New York, United States

Thigh Lift Great Neck by Burt Greenberg MD MBA FACS

Inner and Outer Thigh Lift in Great Neck | Burt Greenberg MD MBA FACS

Advanced Thigh Lift in Great Neck | Burt Greenberg MD MBA FACS

Understanding Thigh Lift Surgery

Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned lower body contours. For patients whose fitness and weight control efforts have not achieved desired body goals, a surgical lift can provide transformative results.

Procedure Overview

The surgical procedure takes approximately two hours under general anesthesia. The length of incisions depends on the amount of excess skin requiring removal.

Surgical Techniques

Inner Thigh Lift Approaches

  • Groin-based incision extending downward
  • Incision along inner thigh inseam
  • Minimally invasive groin-area technique

Outer Thigh Lift Approaches

  • Incision extending from groin around hip
  • Strategic incision placement to minimize visibility

Procedure Steps

  1. Anesthesia administration
  2. Strategic incision placement
  3. Excess skin and fat removal
  4. Contouring and tissue repositioning
  5. Incision closure

Recovery Expectations

Patients can expect bruising and swelling, manageable with prescribed medication. Basic activities may resume within the first week, with full return to daily routines typically occurring within two to three weeks.

Benefits of Thigh Lift Surgery

  • Restore natural thigh contour
  • Reduce excess skin
  • Create smoother skin texture
  • Improve overall body proportions

For more information about Thigh Lift in Great Neck, submit an enquiry to Burt Greenberg MD MBA FACS.

Burt Greenberg MD MBA FACS

Great Neck, New York,

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