Earlobe Repair in Oregon by Portland Face Doctor
Earlobe Repair Oregon | Portland Face Doctor
Understanding Earlobe Repair Surgery
Earrings are a popular fashion accessory, but they can sometimes cause lasting damage to your earlobes. Portland Face Doctor specializes in aesthetic earlobe reconstruction for patients experiencing various ear-related concerns.
Common Reasons for Earlobe Repair
- Shrinking stretched earlobe skin from heavy earrings
- Repairing torn or split earlobes
- Closing gauge piercing holes
- Removing unsightly piercing scar tissue
- Addressing genetically disproportionate earlobe size
Surgical Procedure Details
Earlobe repair is a straightforward outpatient procedure typically completed within 30 minutes per ear. The process involves local anesthesia and precise tissue removal to restore the earlobe's natural appearance.
Surgical Technique
- Local anesthesia administration
- Careful tissue removal
- Precise suturing to recreate a natural ear contour
Recovery and Aftercare
Patients can expect minimal discomfort following the procedure. Most normal activities can be resumed quickly, with sutures typically removed approximately one week after surgery.
Post-Surgical Recommendations
- Allow complete healing (approximately two months)
- Re-pierce in a slightly different location to prevent future complications
Ideal Candidates for Earlobe Repair
Portland Face Doctor evaluates each patient's unique situation to determine the most appropriate surgical approach. While most earlobes can be improved, some complex cases may require specialized attention.
For more information about Earlobe Repair in Portland, OR, submit an enquiry to Portland Face Doctor.