Troy, Michigan, United States

Earlobe Repair Michigan by Aesthetic Facial Injections by Dr. Trupiano

Ear Lobe Reconstruction Troy, MI | Aesthetic Facial Injections by Dr. Trupiano

Ear Lobe Reconstruction Troy, MI | Aesthetic Facial Injections by Dr. Trupiano

Understanding Earlobe Repair

Earlobe repair is a specialized surgical procedure designed to restore the natural appearance and structure of damaged or stretched earlobes. Patients may require this procedure due to various factors such as heavy jewelry, aging, genetics, or developmental issues.

Common Reasons for Earlobe Repair

  • Stretched piercing holes
  • Torn earlobe tissue
  • Damage from large gauge earrings
  • Age-related earlobe deformations

Surgical Technique and Approach

Dr. Trupiano performs earlobe repair using local anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort throughout the procedure. The surgical approach involves precise tissue reconstruction, carefully hiding potential scarring within the natural ear contours.

Procedure Steps

  • Local anesthetic administration
  • Precise tissue trimming or wedge removal
  • Meticulous suturing
  • Minimal invasive techniques

Recovery and Expected Outcomes

Earlobe repair recovery is typically quick, with most patients resuming normal activities within 24-48 hours. Patients can expect mild swelling and temporary discomfort, which resolves rapidly.

Post-Procedure Guidelines

  • Avoid high-intensity activities for 2 days
  • Keep head elevated
  • Minimize earlobe pressure
  • Wait 6 weeks before re-piercing

Candidacy for Earlobe Repair

Ideal candidates for earlobe repair are individuals in good overall health, non-smokers, and those experiencing functional or aesthetic concerns with their earlobes. Dr. Trupiano conducts comprehensive consultations to determine individual suitability.

Consultation Recommendations

For more information about Earlobe Repair in Troy, MI, submit an enquiry to Aesthetic Facial Injections by Dr. Trupiano.


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