THIGH LIFT Ohio by Dr. Jared C. Storck
Thigh Lift Beachwood, OH | Dr. Jared C. Storck
Understanding Thigh Lift Surgery
Thigh lift surgery is a specialized body contouring procedure designed to reshape the thighs by removing excess skin and fat. The primary goal is to improve the appearance of the front and inner thighs, creating smoother skin and more proportioned lower body contours.
Procedure Overview
Unlike standard liposuction, a thigh lift addresses skin laxity and tissue restructuring. When skin elasticity is poor, a combination of thigh lift and liposuction techniques may be recommended to achieve optimal results.
Ideal Candidates for Thigh Lift
- Individuals at a stable and healthy weight
- People with excess soft tissue along inner or outer thigh regions
- Non-smokers with good overall health
- Patients committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Surgical Technique in Beachwood, OH
The thigh lift procedure is performed under general anesthesia at a surgical center. An incision is typically made in the groin area, which may extend down the inner thigh depending on the amount of skin and fat requiring removal.
Surgical Details
- Surgery duration: Approximately 2-3 hours
- Typically an outpatient procedure
- Deep support sutures used to form new contours
- Compression garment required for 4-6 weeks post-surgery
Recovery and Expectations in Ohio
Recovery from a thigh lift involves careful management of surgical sites and gradual return to normal activities. Patients can typically return to non-strenuous work within 2-4 weeks and resume full activities around the 8th week post-surgery.
Potential Combination Procedures
Thigh lift surgery can be combined with other body contouring procedures such as abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, lower body lift, or liposuction for comprehensive aesthetic enhancement.
Post-Surgical Considerations
Scarring is a natural part of the healing process. Surgical scars will flatten and fade between 3 months and 2 years after the procedure, becoming less noticeable over time.
For more information about Thigh Lift in Beachwood, OH, submit an enquiry to Dr. Jared C. Storck.