New York, New York, United States

Earlobe Repair New York by Sharon Giese, MD PC

Earlobe Repair New York, NY | Sharon Giese, MD PC

Earlobe Repair New York, NY | Sharon Giese, MD PC

Understanding Earlobe Repair Surgery

Earlobes are composed of soft, delicate cartilage that can easily be compromised by heavy earrings, body art, or accidental trauma. Dr. Sharon Giese specializes in earlobe repair procedures designed to restore the natural appearance and structure of damaged earlobes.

Procedure Goals

  • Correct torn or split earlobes
  • Repair stretched ear piercings
  • Restore natural earlobe aesthetics

Types of Earlobe Damage

Dr. Giese addresses three primary types of earlobe injuries:

  • Split Earlobe
  • Stretched Earlobe
  • Tribal Piercing Damage

Surgical Procedure Details

Earlobe repair is a straightforward, outpatient procedure performed under local anesthetic. The surgery typically takes less than an hour, even when treating both ears. Dr. Giese carefully removes damaged tissue and meticulously sutures the earlobe to restore its natural shape.

Surgical Approach

  • Local anesthetic administration
  • Precise tissue reconstruction
  • Minimal invasive techniques

Recovery and Results

Patients can expect minimal downtime following the procedure. Most individuals experience only mild discomfort, which typically subsides within a day. Stitches are usually removed within one week, and patients are advised to wait approximately six months before re-piercing the ears.

Outcome Expectations

  • Natural-looking earlobe restoration
  • Pencil-thin scar that can be hidden by future piercings
  • Potential to wear light stud earrings

Surgical Expertise

Sharon Giese, MD PC offers precision earlobe repair in a state-of-the-art, AAAASF Accredited surgical suite. The practice is dedicated to providing personalized, expert care for patients seeking cosmetic ear reconstruction.

For more information about Earlobe Repair in New York, NY, submit an enquiry to Sharon Giese, MD PC.

Sharon Giese, MD PC

New York, New York,


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