Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Neck Lift Boca Raton by Plastic Surgery Specialist of Boca Raton: Rafael C. Cabrera, MD FACS

Neck Lift Boca Raton, FL | Plastic Surgery Specialist of Boca Raton: Rafael C. Cabrera, MD FACS

Neck Lift Boca Raton, FL | Plastic Surgery Specialist of Boca Raton: Rafael C. Cabrera, MD FACS

Understanding Neck Aging and Rejuvenation

Signs of aging can manifest in various body areas, with the neck being particularly vulnerable. Wrinkles, sagging skin, and excess fat can significantly impact one's appearance. A neck lift procedure addresses these concerns by raising and tightening neck skin, eliminating saggy tissues and reducing visible aging signs.

Comprehensive Neck Lift Procedure Details

While neck lift surgery can be performed independently, it is frequently combined with facial rejuvenation procedures like facelift. The treatment involves removing excess fat, tightening skin, and potentially repairing neck muscles through a platysmaplasty technique.

Ideal Neck Lift Candidates

Neck lift candidates typically range from mid-20s to late 70s and share specific characteristics:

  • Experiencing age-related skin elasticity loss
  • Presenting excess neck fat
  • Maintaining good overall health
  • Non-smokers or willing to quit before and after treatment
  • Possessing realistic surgical outcome expectations

Surgical Approach and Techniques

Dr. Cabrera performs neck lift under local anesthesia with oral sedation, utilizing innovative techniques like the one-pill sedation method. The procedure typically takes approximately one hour and involves precise incision placement to minimize visible scarring.

Innovative Non-Invasive Options

The practice also offers an innovative no-incision neck lift using the iGuide Surgical Suture System. This technique allows neck muscle reshaping through strategic suture placements without invasive cutting.

Recovery and Expectations

Patients can expect mild swelling and bruising following the procedure, which typically subsides within one week. Dr. Cabrera provides comprehensive post-operative instructions and ensures patient support throughout the recovery process.

Professional Expertise in Neck Rejuvenation

As an experienced Boca Raton plastic surgery provider, Dr. Cabrera specializes in creating natural, attractive results that comprehensively address facial and neck aging concerns.

For more information about Neck Lift in Boca Raton, FL, submit an enquiry to Plastic Surgery Specialist of Boca Raton: Rafael C. Cabrera, MD FACS.


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