Carmel, Indiana, United States

Arm Lift Carmel by Bruce W. Van Natta, MD (inside Meridian Plastic Surgery Center)

Arm Lift Carmel, IN | Bruce W. Van Natta, MD

Arm Lift Carmel, IN | Bruce W. Van Natta, MD (inside Meridian Plastic Surgery Center)

Understanding Arm Lift Surgery

An arm lift, medically known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat in the upper arms. Many patients experience sagging arm tissue due to weight loss, aging, or genetic factors. This procedure can dramatically improve body contour and boost self-confidence.

Surgical Options for Arm Contouring

Dr. Bruce Van Natta offers two primary arm lift techniques for Indianapolis patients:

  • Traditional Surgical Arm Lift: Ideal for patients with significant skin laxity
  • BodyTite Procedure: Best for patients with mild skin looseness

Surgical Arm Lift Details

The traditional arm lift involves an incision from the armpit to the elbow, strategically placed on the inner arm to minimize visible scarring. This technique effectively removes excess skin and can be combined with liposuction to enhance overall arm contour.

BodyTite Arm Contouring

A minimally invasive option, BodyTite uses radio frequency technology to tighten skin and reduce fat. This procedure creates smaller scars similar to liposuction and requires minimal downtime.

Recovery and Expectations

Recovery varies depending on the chosen procedure. BodyTite offers minimal downtime, while a surgical arm lift requires approximately 1-2 days of initial recovery. Patients can expect:

  • Bruising and swelling for the first two weeks
  • Complete swelling resolution in 3-6 months
  • Immediate visible improvement in arm contour

Important Considerations

Patients should understand that skin laxity cannot be corrected through exercise alone. Muscle tone does not address excess skin above the muscle, making surgical intervention the most effective solution for significant arm skin concerns.

For more information about Arm Lift in Carmel, IN, submit an enquiry to Bruce W. Van Natta, MD (inside Meridian Plastic Surgery Center).

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