Beverly Hills, California, United States

LIPOSUCTION Beverly Hills by Dr. Neal Handel MD

Advanced Liposuction Beverly Hills, CA | Dr. Neal Handel MD

Advanced Liposuction Beverly Hills, CA | Dr. Neal Handel MD

Understanding Liposuction: Precision Body Contouring

Liposuction is a sophisticated surgical technique designed to reduce excessive subcutaneous fat (lipodystrophy) that remains resistant to diet and exercise. This procedure targets specific areas of fat accumulation, helping patients achieve their desired body contour.

Targeted Fat Reduction Areas

Dr. Neal Handel specializes in liposuction for various body regions:

  • For Women: Abdomen, hip rolls, saddlebags, inner/outer thighs, back, and arms
  • For Men: Neck, breasts (gynecomastia), abdomen, and love handles

Advanced Surgical Technique

Dr. Handel employs the MicroAire PAL (power-assisted liposuction) technique, which combines vacuum suction and mechanical oscillation for efficient and safe fat removal. This method has been carefully selected after extensive evaluation of multiple liposuction modalities.

Surgical Procedure Overview

Liposuction is performed under general anesthesia in an accredited ambulatory surgical facility. The tumescent technique is utilized, which involves infiltrating tissues with dilute local anesthetic to minimize bleeding and enhance fat removal efficiency.

Recovery and Post-Operative Care

Patients typically wear compression garments for two to four weeks following the procedure. While most patients experience minimal discomfort, physical activity restrictions are recommended for four to six weeks to ensure optimal healing.

Procedure Effectiveness

Liposuction is recognized as one of the most successful body contouring procedures in the United States, with high patient satisfaction rates and minimal complication risks.

For more information about Liposuction in Beverly Hills, CA, submit an enquiry to Dr. Neal Handel MD.

Dr. Neal Handel MD

Beverly Hills, California,


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